Private Schools: Palm Beach Gardens, FL
The content below are direct excerpts from the schools website. We have done this to Best share the mission and philosophy of this great academic institution. For more information please visit the schools website or contact your SipKlein agent who can make arrangements for you to have a private tour of the school.
Mission Statement
“Trinity Christian School of Palm Beach Gardens provides Christian education that shares Christ’s word in a loving, family-oriented environment that nurtures academic excellence, enhances self-esteem and builds social responsibility for the complete development of each child as a unique creation of God.”
Statement of Faith
“United Methodists profess the historic Christian faith in God, incarnate in Jesus Christ for our salvation, and ever at work in human history in the Holy Spirit. Living in a covenant of grace under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we participate in the fruits of God’s coming reign and pray in hope for its full realization on earth as it is in heaven.
The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, 2004”
“Trinity Christian School of Palm Beach Gardens, a ministry of Trinity United Methodist Church, has been successfully promoting the spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth of preschool and kindergarten-aged children since 1967. Our tradition is one of excellence, whereby we incorporate hands-on learning, visual aids, and creative activities into our teaching methodology to provide our students with a well-rounded Christian education. The structure of our age-appropriate curriculum is designed to support intellectual, emotional, and spiritual development. Additionally, we are committed to educating, nurturing, and caring for children in a safe, loving, Christian atmosphere.”
Address: 9625 N Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Contact: 561-253-3950
Additional Resources:
The Trinity Christian School Facebook
Trinity Christian School – Palm Beach Gardens FL… Read More